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Don’t let airline travel vouchers go to waste

Millions of Americans who had flights canceled, or who postponed their trips due to the pandemic are sitting on unused airline vouchers and credits.

While you can book a flight for after that expiration date, you must use that credit or voucher before it expires.

Willis Orlando, with the website Scott’s Cheap Flights, says if your original expiration date is coming up – don’t panic.

“Go on the airline’s website and search for your voucher or for your flight credit, and take a look because maybe you don’t do anything,” Orlando said. “Maybe it’s already been extended. That’s happened plenty of times.”

In fact, many airlines have extended their expiration dates until the end of 2022. Delta recently pushed its expiration date to the end of 2023.

Using that voucher or credit is another matter. Travelers face a confusing mishmash of policies. The rules vary from airline to airline, and may be based on the type of ticket and when it was purchased.

Don’t be surprised if you run into roadblocks. Vouchers are usually non-transferable – only good for another flight taken by the original passenger. And in some cases, you may be restricted to booking the same class of service

If your voucher has already expired, call the airline and see if you can get an extension.  You’ve got nothing to lose. If you have a travel credit you know you will never use – maybe you now have health problems – contact the airline and press them to let you transfer them to someone else. Yes, you will most likely need to wait on hold for hours, but it could be worth it.

More Info: Don’t Get Left Behind When Your Airline Travel Credits Expire

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